Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cap City Cross Coffman Park

The second round of Cap City was in Dublin at Coffman Park!

I guess someone didn't get Andy's memo of NO JERKS rule. He didn't mention in his email but I'll do it for him.

Chris Grisvard got in a fight with someone DURING THE RACE!!! I've seen fights post race, but very rarely do you see shit go down while you are racing. I wish I had my camera and posted that on YouTube. I'm sure there will be repercussions, most likely resulting in fines and suspension for a few months.

Huge numbers for the 4's race, some 40+. NICE! Also seeing some of those 4's doubling up and doing the B race and doing quite well. Maybe its time to just race the B's?

TONY! Good Job. You even skipped the B's and went straight to the A's and did pretty damn well. Probably be the last time I'll be mentioning you here.

However I'm not done with Double G. Glen rolled away and won the Cat 3 35+, then rolled another win the the Single Speed.

Personally, I think cyclocross is the hardest to double up in. If you are pulling double podiums, then you are seriously not racing the correct category.

On another note, the NEOCX series up in the Northeast had NO sandbaggers according to a reader email. 


  1. OK I won the 35+ and ths ss class. But...I was really about 8th place in the entire B class.
    If they go to the A's (and Farmer and Sholl who were not here this weekend) I can go to the A's
    Frankly this Masters stuff is what causes the problems.
    Looks like I may be DFL at Uncle Steves...

  2. Seems like there is always a problem when double g is in the race what's next glen going to start swinging

  3. I agree, why is it Glen seems to love controversy so much? Is one podium not enough for you? Further more I would not be surprised if Gris got a hit off of that camel back and whatever unsavory substance inside is what put him over the edge. After all, anyone who knows the Gris, knows that he is a levelheaded competitor who is concerned, above all with following the rules.

  4. Tony skipped the b's because of a mechanical. Not because he didn't want to sandbag.

  5. Grisvard what an ass
    few yrs ago at the race in Granville I was on his wheel when he rode off course and i said nice line
    he kind of swung out with his arm and dropped a few eff bombs.Same attitude at a crit he was running his mouth at another rider Just STFU!!!!!!!!

  6. Whoa Alex no love? I was signed up for both, but had my tubie roll (which I think was a blessing since racing B and A might have killed me).

    But thanks for calling me out pal!

  7. Yeah Alex I don't understand why you are ripping on Tony. He did really fucking good in the A race getting 6th, which is better than half the finishers. Throw in the DNFs and he's in the top third.

    The only Alex in the results, is the cat 4 winner. Maybe this is you? I don't think you have much grounds to talk, that is unless you were just spectating.

  8. Tony I will have to teach you the. Jedi tubie trick no more rolled tubies on second thought I will teach but you cannot kick my ass anymore good Job racing and welcome to the A's

  9. haha i wasn't hating. I just commented on what i heard from you. Its all fun and games and you seriously are too fast. I had a great time in the c race and obviously should have raced the b's. Oh well uncle steve's is coming. You know that scene was way better than the cincy OVCX scene. Much more chill.
